We have enabled Multifactor authentication (MFA) for all of our users. In order to be in compliance, you will need to download the Microsoft Authenticator app on your cellphone.

When you open the app, make sure to enable notifications from the app!

Once you download the app on your cellphone, follow these steps:


  1. Open the web browser on your computer and go to https://aka.ms/MFASetup
  2. Log in with your Epitec Computer credentials
    1. You might have a pop-up stating “More information is required”, If this is the case, skip to step 4.
  3. Click Add Method and select Microsoft Authenticator app
  4. The system will prompt you with a pop-up and it will walk you through how to set it up the app and synchronize it with your account by scanning the QR code. Please see attached 2-minute video if you need help.
    1. Microsoft Authenticathor App Setup.mp4
  5. Once you set up the application, you will be prompted to enter your cellphone for a backup authenticator method. Then, you will receive a code, once you enter it. You are all set!

You will receive a notification from the Microsoft Authenticator app, when you are login into your Epitec account from a different device or network. If you are the one trying to access the account, simply click “Approve” on your cellphone notification. If you are NOT trying to access your Epitec account, please report this to Employee Care or Andrea Aznar as soon as possible as your account has been compromised.

If you are having any issues setting up the app, you can try deleting the Authenticator app and trying to download it again.  If this does not work, please submit a request to Employee Care.

If you have not set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your cellphone, you might have issues accessing Office 365 applications on your cellphone

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