How to Set up Bookings

This article provides steps to set up Microsoft Bookings.

First, go to Teams and search the Apps store for the Bookings App.

Then click “Add”


Once installed, there will be two preset meeting options for a 15 min and 30 min meeting.

To customize when people can book time with you, click either of existing meeting options or delete them and create your own meeting format.



You can control what time ranges that people can book with you by clicking on the meeting options and scrolling down on the meeting page. Hit Save when you have made the changes.

Now to share this with people, you can add the link to your email signature.


From Outlook - Go to File - Options - and Mail settings


Then click on Signatures

Go to Standard Signature and paste the link from your personal booking page



Hit ok and save the changes.

If you are in the new Outlook, click the settings icon on the top right corner and go to Accounts - Signatures

You can paste in the link to your page in your signature.

There is the option to include the link to your page, but we have been seeing some technical issues with it not staying checked. So you can try either way to see what works.