Report Phishing or Spam emails


What happens if you clicked something you think you were not supposed to?

  • Report as phishing in Outlook and call the Systems & Security Administrator, or IT Operations Manager, in that respective order, until you reach someone to discuss the situation.

  • We must take action immediately if there is the slightest possibility that our system has been compromised. 


How to REPORT:

If you receive:

Spam: Report the email as “Junk” using Outlook’s Report feature.

Phishing: Report the email as “Phishing” using Outlook’s Report feature.

If you find an email in your Junk Email folder that's not spam, you can report as “Not Junk” using Outlook’s Report feature to mark it as a legitimate email, move the message to your Inbox, and report the false positive to help Microsoft improve our spam filters.

What's Spam email (junk)?

Junk email messages are typically referred to as spam. These are messages that you don't want to receive such as advertising for products you don't use or find offensive. If you choose the Junk option, a copy of the message may be sent to Microsoft to help update our spam filters, and the message will be moved from your Inbox to your Junk Email folder. 

What's phishing?

Phishing is the practice of luring you into performing a task, like clicking a link, opening an attachment or disclosing personal information, such as bank account numbers and passwords. Often phishing messages look legitimate, but have deceptive links that actually open fake websites. If you select Phishing when you report a message, a copy of your message may be sent to Microsoft to help update our filters, and the message will be moved from your Inbox to your Junk Email folder. 


Outlook’s Report feature




If you are on your phone, you can report malicious or spam emails via the Outlook app:

  1. Tap on the three dots menu, and and choose "Report Message".

  2. Next, tap on "Phishing". If asked to send a copy to Microsoft, tap on "Report".




If you are not sure about the legitimacy of an email that could be important please take a screenshot and submit a ticket so IT can review it.

For any questions Please submit a ticket to IT.