Approve Time in ADP - Corporate Employees Only

This knowledge base is to help walk Managers and Time Approvers through the time approval process in ADP.

  1. Log into ADP

2. Click the My Team button in the blue bar at the top of the screen

3. Then hover over Time & Attendance

4.Click Team Dashboard

5. There will be a box that says Things to Do

6. You should see an option that says Timecard Approvals

7. Click Timecard Approvals

8. You will be taken to a screen that lists the employees on your team and the amount of hours they worked for the prior week.

9. You can review each of your team’s timecards by clicking the arrow on the screen next to their name

10. From here, you can check the boxes for each day your team member worked and click save.

11.You can click the Approve Timecard button in the righthand corned of the screen

12. If you do not want to approve all days, you can leave the unapproved day unchecked and work with your employee or Finance to correct the hours.

13.From the Timecard Approvals screen, if you are comfortable with your team’s time, you can check the boxes and click approve at the bottom.