Remove Outlook duplicate contacts from iPhone

If you have duplicate Outlook contacts on your phone but not on your computer, follow the following steps.


  1. Go to the Outlook App

  2. Click on your picture/icon on the top left corner of the screen.

  3. From the left menu the opens up, click on the gear icon on the lower-left corner.

  4. Under Mail Accounts, click on Office 365 and your email.


  5. Under the Account Settings, turn off the Save Contacts toggle.


    2. This will give you a warning message about removing all of your contacts from your phone. Click on Delete from my phone.


    3. You will see a spinning circle as the action is going through. Once it is done. You will be back on the same menu.

  6. Now, you can go to your contacts app and confirm that you cannot see any of the Outlook contacts. The contacts that you can see are contacts added to your phone contact app. Therefore if you were to have a contact on your phone and in Outlook, this will create duplicates.

  7. Once you are ready to add your Outlook contacts back to your phone, follow steps 1-4 and when you get to the Save Contacts toggle, this time, turn it on (blue).

    1. You will get a message to save the Outlook contacts on your phone. Click Save to iPhone.


    2. Then, you will get a message about duplicate contacts. Click Delete from my iPhone.

      1. You will see a spinning circle as the action is going through. Once it is done. You will be back on the same menu.

  8. Now, you can go to your contacts app and confirm that there are no duplicate contacts.