How to share passwords in LastPass

LastPass sharing allows you to share sites and secure notes with another LastPass user securely. 

Limitations include:

  • Syncing changes are only available between two Premium users.

  • If the sharer or sharee deletes the shared site, the share will be revoked and will disappear from the sharee’s vault.

  • Secure Notes do not offer the ability to hide the password from the sharee.

Step-by-step guide

How to share a single item:

  1. Hover over an item to bring up more options.

  2. Use the Share icon  to share the item with another user.

  3. Type the recipient email address. 

  4. Click Share. 

How to add a user to a shared folder:

  1. In the bottom left corner of LastPass go to the sharing center


  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the shared folder you would like to add a user to


  3. On the left side you can invite users and select if you want them to be an admin or to hide passwords


  4. LastPass will auto fill in users names


  5. Select the user and access you would like to give then click ‘invite’
    The user should be instantly added to the shared folder

How to modify a users shared passwords within a shared folder:

  1. Select ‘Manage’ on the shared folder you’d like to modify a users access in


  2. Select the wrench icon next to the user you’re modifying


  3. From here you can move what password you want the user to have in the ‘Available’ section. Items left in the ‘Unavailable’ section wont be accessible


  4. Be sure to hit ‘Save’ in the bottom right or your changes wont take effect



There are 3 ways in which to view shared pages:

  • Shared with Others: lists all sites you have shared and to whom you shared them with. (The Pending list shows who you have sent sharing invitations to but have not accepted, yet. The Accepted list shows who have already accepted shares).

  • Shared with Me: lists all sites that have been shared with you. 

  • Manage Shared Folder:  lists all Shared Folders in the Vault. 

Key concepts:

  • Resend Invitation: Resend the email invitation to the recipient

  • Cancel Invitation: Revoke and nullify the share invitation

  • Revoke Access: Revoke the share from an accepted item