Below is an outline for sending a thank you note to a hiring manager. This should be used as a guide. Once complete, email the thank you note to the Account Manager who will send on your behalf to the hiring manager. Please reach out to your recruiter with any questions.

Dear [Interviewer's name]: 

[Thank the interviewer for taking the time to talk with you.  Mention the day of the interview and job title.] 

[Express your interest in the company. Say that you want the job. Deliver a subtle sales pitch indicating why you think you're qualified for the job based on the interview, and what you can do for the company. If you forgot to mention something important, this is your second chance (but don't say you forgot).] 

[Mention topics that stimulated your interest and something to make you stand out in the interviewer's mind. For example, if you both had a laugh, mention how you enjoyed the moment. If a particular qualification grabbed the interviewer's attention, emphasize it.] 

[Wrap it up with another thanks for the interview. Offer to provide more information. Say that you look forward to hearing from the interviewer again.] 

